What should you know about indoor shotgun mic?

A shotgun microphone is commonly used in film and television production, as well as vlogs and YouTube videos. It is extremely directional, which means it can capture sound while filtering out surrounding noise. As a result, it is perfect for application in noisy areas such as busy streets or crowded restaurants. However, you may come across different issues when using it in different locations. And in this article, we will discuss the use of indoor shotgun mic.

Use shotgun mic for indoor recording

What should you pay attention to when using shotgun mic indoor?

Multiple reflections in a reverberant area, particularly early reflections, change how the interior shotgun mic perceives the signals that reach it. Ideally, the microphone will decide whether the sound is important (intended signal) or just noise based on the incidence angle. When both the signal and the noise are reflected by neighboring objects, they enter the microphone at "abnormal" angles (If we consider natural the direct sound trajectory). Because the noise is not appropriately recognised as genuine noise, it is not cancelled. Furthermore, because it is detected as noise, a portion of the beneficial signal will be eliminated.

As a result, shotgun mic will perform best outside or in interior locations with appropriate acoustic treatment.

Another thing to consider is the rear lobe. As previously said, this lobe captures particularly low frequencies, therefore a terrible-sounding environment that accentuates specific low frequencies is something we want to avoid when utilizing a shotgun microphone. When we have a low ceiling, we are often obliged to keep the microphone very near to it, which combines the rear lobe and the proximity effect, making the microphone sound bad. This is not an issue on a professional film set with high ceilings and superb acoustics. Shotgun microphones are a frequent choice in these settings.

Last but not least, using a shotgun in small spaces may be challenging, especially when maintaining accuracy.

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What are the differences when using shotgun mic indoor or outdoor?

There are basic distinctions between capturing dialogue both indoors and outside, which influences the audio recording equipment you should employ for each occasion.

Outdoor surroundings are often wide-open regions with few or no reflecting surfaces nearby, yet they can be windy and noisy. Indoor environments, on the other hand, are often enclosed and feature reflecting surfaces such as walls, floors, and ceilings all around - but with presumably no weather or wind noise and potentially less ambiance.


Shotgun microphones are the most often utilized microphones for capturing dialogue on location. Because of their polar pattern and physical line tube, they are very directional, canceling out both sound from the sides and 'off-axis' sound more towards the front.

This pickup region is ideal for an outdoor setting since a boom pole allows you to position the mic near to the subject and catch dialogue on-axis with little or no reflections to the sides. You'll get a dialogue track that's well-isolated from the background noise, with a high signal-to-noise ratio and full-frequency response.
When using shotgun mic for filming outdoors, you should consider the power supply. Go for a battery-powered type or ensure ample power source.


Inside, though, things are very different. When caught off-axis, there is a greater likelihood that your audio may be reflected off surrounding surfaces, affecting the tone of the dialogue, which can be wiped out by the forward-facing preference. As a result, the dialogue sounds rather unnatural.

The best indoor shotgun mic should feature cardioid or hyper-cardioid polar pattern. It will be less influenced by these reflections because of the more forgiving off-axis rejection, which grants you a more natural audio recording.

What accessories do you need for shotgun mic indoor or outdoor?

Using shotgun mic requires accessories to guarantee high quality audio. Below are some necessary accessories.

Shock mount

Shock mounting is crucial when using delicate condenser microphones. When walking with or just moving the boom pole, handling noise (such as tapping or rubbing) might result in vibrations that can affect your microphone. A robust shock mount will separate your mic from these vibrations.


In light of this, wind protection is a must while using shotgun mic for outdoor recording. It can be challenging to avoid this annoying noise when you're outside since, if your microphone picks it up, it will cause a loud, distorted low-end rumble that will be nearly impossible to eliminate in post-production. The ideal cure? a windshield of excellent quality.

While all of this is required for outdoor use, it is usual to see these accessories utilized indoors as a safety measure. The last thing you want is for an otherwise perfect take to be ruined by an unanticipated rush of wind from a window, door, fan, or air conditioner.

Mic clip/holder

Ideally, you should use the included clip, but depending on the mic, even the spring-loaded universal clips can work just well. Ensure that your mic is held firmly, especially when it is positioned at an extreme angle, or it will end up close-miking the sound source.

Additionally, take in mind that mic clips and stands have various thread diameters, making it likely that a certain clip cannot be put onto a particular stand without an adaptor. Make sure all of your clips have these—the majority include a screw-in/out adapter for various stand sizes, but they are easily lost.

Boom pole

A boom pole is the best setup for outdoor or indoor shotgun mic. You'll be able to place the microphone far away thanks to this. Boom poles are available in several pieces and lengths ranging from five feet to over ten feet, maybe as much as twelve feet.

Some boom poles will have an internal cable within, while others won't. The price will increase if an internal cable is used. An internal connection is generally the best option if you frequently set up quickly, take down quickly, and move from one location to another.