How do noise cancelling intercom headsets work?

Picture a world where you can use just a pair of headphones to easily block out the noise of bustling streets, chatty neighbors, and other distracting sounds. That’s exactly what noise cancelling intercom headsets offer. They function like magical ear muffs, allowing you to focus solely on what you want to hear—whether it’s music or a podcast. In this article, we’ll dive into how these remarkable headsets work and show you how they can reduce surrounding noise, enhancing your experience while enjoying your favorite audio.

SYNCO Xtalk is a noise cancelling intercom headset with AEC technology, effectively reducing unwanted noise.

What are noise cancelling intercom headsets?

Noise cancelling intercom headsets or headphones are communication devices that use passive sound isolation and active noise cancellation technology to reduce unwanted background noise and improve the signal-to-noise ratio, making music or other audio clearer. These devices usually include a small battery compartment within one of the ear cups. For tips on extending battery life and keeping your device in top condition, check out our article on battery-powered wireless intercom.

How do they work: Two main types of noise canceling technology

The technology used in these headsets can be categorized into two main types: Passive Noise Isolation and Active Noise Cancellation.

Active noise cancellation: ENC vs ANC

Active noise cancellation works by generating a sound wave that is the inverse of the unwanted sound wave and combining it with the original sound. This results in destructive interference that cancels out the unwanted noise. This method is particularly effective at reducing low-frequency sounds, such as those from airplane engines or air conditioners. Today, most headphone manufacturers use two main active noise reduction technologies, including ANC and ENC.

What is environmental noise cancellation (ENC)?

The environmental noise cancellation uses a dual-microphone system to precisely detect where speech is coming from. One microphone captures the speaker’s voice, while the other picks up the surrounding noise. The algorithm then filters out the overlapping sounds, ensuring the target speech is clear and free from environmental noise. Noise cancelling intercom headsets with ENC can effectively reduce up to 90% of background noise, lowering it by more than 35 dB. This allows us to communicate more clearly with others.

What is active noise control (ANC)?

Active noise control uses built-in microphones to constantly monitor low-frequency environmental noise, then generates an equal and opposite sound wave to reduce the unwanted noise to a more comfortable level. This allows consumers to enjoy a more immersive music experience. From a technological perspective, there are three main types of ANC available on the market: feedforward ANC, feedback ANC, and Hybrid ANC (a combination of feedforward and feedback). Among these, Hybrid ANC is the most advanced, as it effectively blocks out noise across a range of low to even some mid frequencies.

Which is better for your noise cancelling intercom headsets: ENC or ANC?

Now that you understand how each technology works, you may be wondering, “Which one is better? They seem to use similar processes!”

There’s no clear winner, as each technology is designed to meet different needs. ENC is primarily used to enhance the clarity of voice recordings and phone calls by reducing surrounding noise, while ANC focuses on improving the sound quality of music or other audio by canceling external noise. Both technologies offer users the flexibility to customize their listening or calling experience according to their surroundings and preferences. ANC headsets are particularly effective at blocking low-frequency sounds, such as engine noise on planes, while ENC headphones are optimized for clear communication in noisy settings like busy streets or offices.

SYNCO Xtalk wireless intercom headset integrates AEC and passive noise reduction technology to provide clear communication even in noisy live event settings.

Passive noise isolation: Using physical characteristics in noise cancelling communication headset to block high-frequency noises

Passive noise isolation, also known as physical noise reduction, involves using the physical design of the headsets to block external sounds. This is achieved through a tighter headband, acoustically optimized earcup cavities, and the use of sound-absorbing materials inside the earcups. These features work together to provide physical sound insulation. Noise cancelling intercom headsets with passive noise reduction are particularly effective at blocking high-frequency sounds, such as human speech, and typically reduce noise by around 15-20dB. They are typically available in both single-ear and dual-ear configurations. This article on earmuff communication headsets will help you make an informed choice.


Is there any other noise cancelling technology besides ANC and ENC?

Yes, there are other technologies like Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Clear Voice Capture(CVC):

  • DSP: This technology is typically used for both high and low-frequency noise. It works by using a microphone to capture ambient sound and then generating reverse sound waves that match the external noise to cancel it out. While similar to ANC, DSP noise reduction targets both forward and reverse noise, leading to more effective cancellation.
  • CVC: Also referred to as software noise reduction technology, CVC is used to minimize echoes during calls. It is commonly found in modern Bluetooth headsets designed for calling.

Should I choose a wired or wireless noise cancelling communication headset?

Both are good options. Noise cancellation works even with wired headphones. However, since we know you prefer a more carefree experience, our headphones are wireless. For example, SYNCO Xtalk Xpro is a wireless 2-way intercom headset. It features advanced AEC technology that eliminates echo, reverberation, and unwanted ambient noise, ensuring your team has clear communication. It still has a 3.5mm port allowing you to plug a wired headphone and monitor your production results.

Do noise cancelling intercom headsets affect hearing or health?

No, these headsets do not harm your health or hearing. They work by reducing external noise, enabling you to enjoy music or concentrate on tasks without any negative effects. So, feel free to protect your hearing and enjoy quiet and peace.